Consolidated Belize Sanctions List

The MLTPA as amended by the Money Laundering and Terrorism (Prevention)(Amendment) Act, 2023 provides for the implementation of targeted financial Sanctions imposed in accordance with relevant UNSCRs. The MLTPA imposes restrictions on specific transactions with listed persons and mandates that all persons are to disclose information regarding terrorist acts and/or transactions.
These include:

  • The provision of financial and/or other related services to a listed person
  • Collecting, providing or making available any property to a listed person
  • Provision of or solicitation of support for a listed person
  • Acting on behalf of, at the direction of, or in association with a listed person

The Financial Intelligence Unit of Belize (FIU) plays an important role in enforcing the measures adopted pursuant to the above legislative provisions. In doing this, the FIU compiles and maintains a consolidated list of individuals and entities who are subject to sanctions under the Orders of the High Court of Belize. These Orders give effect to both domestic sanctions mechanisms and our international obligations pursuant to the UNSCRs.

The Belize Consolidated Sanctions List can be downloaded from the link below:

Belize Consolidated List in:      XML    XLSX     PDF     Designated Vessels

Gazette Extraordinary 26 AUGUST 2024

Gazette Extraordinary – 23 October 2023

Changes to The Consolidated Sanctions List

Gazette Extraordinary – 28 JULY 2023